27 minute read

Name a better combo than dogs, sunny weather, and a cold beverage. That’s the goal whenever I’m eager to try out a new brewery with my friends and family. Our dog Cassie loves to come on trips with us, and exploring new breweries is no exception. In Michigan, it’s an easy task finding something new to try as breweries have rapidly opened up in the Great Lakes State. While there’s never a shortage of breweries to experience, finding dog-friendly breweries is not always as simple. In this project, we’ll explore a database full of brewery data to see what insights we can extract. At the end, we’ll introduce a second data source to help us locate dog-friendly breweries in Michigan. We’ll finish the project by building an interactive map of our dog-friendly breweries.

For a html export, click here.

For the jupyter notebook export, click here.

Image: Cassie at Hazel Park High School tennis courts. Credit: Emma Weintraub

We’ll begin by investigating the database provided by Open Brewery DB. It includes a rich community-driven free dataset of breweries globally. We will populate this data into a new table breweries with columns as highlighted below:


column type description
brewery_id text unique brewery id
brewery_name text name of brewery
brewery_type text type of brewery (brewpub, micro, etc.)
address_1 text building address
address_2 text alternative address
address_3 text alternative address
city text city of brewery
state_province text state or province of brewery
postal_code text postal code of brewery
country text country of brewery
phone text phone number of brewery
website_url text website of brewery
longitude numeric longitude coordinates
latitude numeric latitude coordinates

We’ll use python libraries pandas, psycopg2, and sqlalchemy to retrieve our breweries data from Open Brewery DB’s GitHub repository (3) and populate our new breweries table.

import pandas as pd
import psycopg2 as pg2
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
conn = pg2.connect(database=database, user=user,password=password)
cur = conn.cursor()

engine = create_engine(engine_string)

url = ('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openbrewerydb/openbrewerydb/master/breweries.csv')
df = pd.read_csv(url)

df.to_sql('breweries',con=engine, if_exists='replace')

Let’s begin by getting a sample of 5 breweries from our breweries table to make sure the data was successfully loaded. We’ll then observe the samples to get an idea of what our data looks like.


-- Get the first 5 rows from the breweries table
FROM breweries

Running query in 'brewery_database'

5 rows affected.

index id name brewery_type address_1 address_2 address_3 city state_province postal_code country phone website_url longitude latitude
0 5128df48-79fc-4f0f-8b52-d06be54d0cec (405) Brewing Co micro 1716 Topeka St None None Norman Oklahoma 73069-8224 United States 4058160490 <a href=http://www.405brewing.com>http://www.405brewing.com</a> -97.46818222 35.25738891
1 9c5a66c8-cc13-416f-a5d9-0a769c87d318 (512) Brewing Co micro 407 Radam Ln Ste F200 None None Austin Texas 78745-1197 United States 5129211545 <a href=http://www.512brewing.com>http://www.512brewing.com</a> None None
2 ef970757-fe42-416f-931d-722451f1f59c 10 Barrel Brewing Co large 1501 E St None None San Diego California 92101-6618 United States 6195782311 <a href=http://10barrel.com>http://10barrel.com</a> -117.129593 32.714813
3 6d14b220-8926-4521-8d19-b98a2d6ec3db 10 Barrel Brewing Co large 62970 18th St None None Bend Oregon 97701-9847 United States 5415851007 <a href=http://www.10barrel.com>http://www.10barrel.com</a> -121.281706 44.08683531
4 e2e78bd8-80ff-4a61-a65c-3bfbd9d76ce2 10 Barrel Brewing Co large 1135 NW Galveston Ave Ste B None None Bend Oregon 97703-2465 United States 5415851007 None -121.3288021 44.0575649

Looks like our python script loaded the data into our PostgreSQL database successfully! We can see all columns present as well as 5 sample data points. We can also see that there’s null values in our dataset, but that’s ok! When creating a new table, we can designate which columns we absolutely will not allow null values. Before loading the data into PostgreSQL, I wrote a query to make sure a table was generated with no null values allowed for brewery_id (primary key), brewery_name, city, state_province, and country. These will be the primary values we’ll need. Now, we’re ready to explore our data!

1. How many breweries are in the database?


-- Get the total count of rows from breweries
FROM breweries

Running query in 'brewery_database'

1 rows affected.


Looks like our database has 8206 total breweries listed from around the globe! That’s a lot of breweries.

2. How many breweries are there in each country?


-- Get all countries and respective brewery counts from breweries in descending order
SELECT country, COUNT(*) as cnt
FROM breweries
GROUP BY country

Running query in 'brewery_database'

11 rows affected.

country cnt
United States 7935
Ireland 70
England 62
South Korea 61
Poland 34
Austria 14
Portugal 14
Scotland 10
France 3
Isle of Man 2
United States 1

Wow! The US has over 7935 breweries! That is quite a lead compared to all other countries listed. Another interesting observation is that the database shows two different ‘United States’ countries listed. Why is that? Let’s take a look at the dataframe in python to find out.

array(['United States', 'Ireland', 'England', 'South Korea', 'Portugal',
       'Poland', 'France', 'Isle of Man', 'Scotland', 'Austria',
       ' United States'], dtype=object)

It appears that there is an extra space present in one of the strings. Let’s apply a trim function in SQL to clean that column.


--remove beginning and ending spaces on each country string
UPDATE breweries
SET country = btrim (country, ' ')

Running query in 'brewery_database'

8206 rows affected.


-- Get the US brewery count to check if the cleaning operation was successfull. 7935 -> 7936
SELECT country, COUNT(*)
FROM breweries
WHERE country = 'United States'
GROUP BY country

Running query in 'brewery_database'

1 rows affected.

country count
United States 7936

3. How many breweries are there in each state in the US?


-- get all US states and respective brewery counts from breweries
SELECT state_province, COUNT(*) as cnt
FROM breweries
WHERE country = 'United States'
GROUP BY state_province

Running query in 'brewery_database'

54 rows affected.

state_province cnt
California 912
Washington 471
Colorado 431
New York 418
Michigan 375
Texas 352
Pennsylvania 345
Florida 312
North Carolina 307
Ohio 303
Oregon 295
Virginia 254
Illinois 249
Wisconsin 217
Minnesota 182
Massachusetts 163
Indiana 162
Missouri 141
Arizona 124
New Jersey 115
Maine 114
Tennessee 110
Maryland 109
Georgia 100
Connecticut 94
Montana 92
Iowa 91
New Mexico 83
South Carolina 79
New Hampshire 72
Idaho 67
Vermont 59
Kentucky 58
Nebraska 57
Nevada 51
Alaska 51
Kansas 47
Arkansas 45
Alabama 45
South Dakota 45
Oklahoma 44
Utah 44
Louisiana 43
West Virginia 33
Wyoming 32
Rhode Island 31
Delaware 28
North Dakota 26
Hawaii 23
Mississippi 16
District of Columbia 16
Utah 1
MIssouri 1
Washington 1

Look at that! Michigan is in the top 5 states in the US regarding total number of breweries. Michigan is ranked 5th behind New York, Colorado, Washington, and California. Let’s dive deeper into the Michigan brewery scene.

4. What are the brewery types in Michigan?


-- Get the brewery type and respective count from Michigan, US breweries in descending order
SELECT brewery_type, COUNT(*) AS total_breweries
FROM breweries
WHERE country = 'United States'
AND state_province = 'Michigan'
GROUP BY brewery_type
ORDER BY total_breweries DESC

Running query in 'brewery_database'

5 rows affected.

brewery_type total_breweries
brewpub 199
micro 143
planning 21
regional 9
contract 3

The majority of breweries in Michigan are brewpubs closely followed by micro breweries. This makes sense if we consider that brewpubs are beer-focused restaurants and micro breweries are what most craft breweries are considered.

5. What cities in Michigan have the most breweries?


-- Get the top 5 cities and respective brewery count from Michigan, US breweries in descending order
SELECT city, COUNT(*) AS total_breweries
FROM breweries
WHERE country = 'United States'
AND state_province = 'Michigan'
ORDER BY total_breweries DESC

Running query in 'brewery_database'

5 rows affected.

city total_breweries
Grand Rapids 25
Kalamazoo 14
Detroit 13
Traverse City 12
Ann Arbor 11

We can see that the top 5 cities in Michigan with the most breweries includes Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo, Detroit, Traverse City, and Ann Arbor. Grand Rapids appears to be the top city for breweries by a large margin (11 more than the next leading city Kalamazoo).

6. What is the breakdown of brewery types in the top 5 cities in Michigan?


-- Get the city, brewery type, and respective brewery total from Michigan breweries grouped by city and type. Query ordered by city and brewery totals.
SELECT city, brewery_type, COUNT(*) AS total_breweries
FROM breweries
WHERE country = 'United States'
AND state_province = 'Michigan'
AND city IN ('Grand Rapids', 'Kalamazoo', 'Detroit', 'Traverse City', 'Ann Arbor')
GROUP BY city, brewery_type
ORDER BY city, total_breweries DESC

Running query in 'brewery_database'

16 rows affected.

city brewery_type total_breweries
Ann Arbor brewpub 8
Ann Arbor micro 2
Ann Arbor planning 1
Detroit brewpub 5
Detroit micro 3
Detroit regional 2
Detroit planning 2
Detroit contract 1
Grand Rapids brewpub 21
Grand Rapids micro 2
Grand Rapids regional 2
Kalamazoo brewpub 8
Kalamazoo micro 5
Kalamazoo planning 1
Traverse City micro 7
Traverse City brewpub 5

We can see that Grand Rapids has the largest concentration of any one brewery type with 21 brewpubs, but detroit has the largest variation including a brewpub, micro, regional, planning, and contract brewery.

7. If we pick a city, can we find which breweries are in a 50 mile radius?

Let’s say that we are visiting my home town (Midland, MI), could we find out what the nearest breweries would be? We will use Midland’s latitude and longitude coordinates (43.618183 and -84.234238 respectively). Let’s first review how to find the distance between 2 points on earth in miles.

The equation (1) is defined as:

\[Distance = 3963 * arccos((sin(latitude_1) * sin(latitude_2)) + cos(latitude_1) * cos(latitude_2) * cos(longitude_2 - longitude_1))\]

-- Get the name, city, address, state, postal code, lat and long coordinates where there location is within 50 miles of Midland, MI
SELECT name, city, address_1, state_province AS state, postal_code, latitude, longitude
FROM breweries
WHERE 3963 * ACOS((SIN(radians (43.618183)) * SIN(radians (latitude))) + 
    COS(radians (43.618183)) * COS(radians (latitude)) * COS(radians (longitude) - radians (-84.234238))) 
    <= 50

Running query in 'brewery_database'

12 rows affected.

name city address_1 state postal_code latitude longitude
Alma Brewing Co Alma 208 E Superior St Michigan 48801-1819 43.37888808 -84.6588719
Cranker's Restaurant & Brewery Mount Pleasant 1207 E Pickard St Michigan 48858-1901 43.61176916 -84.76071102
Four Leaf Brewing Clare 412 N McEwan St Michigan 48617-1403 43.8256884 -84.7683591
Frankenmuth Brewing Co Frankenmuth 425 S Main St Michigan 48734-1615 43.32893336 -83.73929404
Loggers Brewing Company Saginaw 1215 S River Rd Michigan 48609-5208 43.40518225 -84.05193542
Midland Brewing Co Midland 5011 N Saginaw Road Michigan 48642 43.6408678 -84.2910925
Mountain Town Brewing Co Mt Pleasant 614 W Pickard St Michigan 48858-1504 43.61180948 -84.78689552
Mountain Town Station Restaurant & Brew Pub Mt Pleasant 506 W Broadway St Michigan 48858-2441 43.604568 -84.7822205
Oracle Brewing Company Saginaw 122 N Michigan Ave Michigan 48602-4234 43.417723 -83.96401351
Tenacity Brewing Flint 119 N Grand Traverse St Michigan 48503-5620 43.01522788 -83.69663179
The Highway Brewing Co. West Branch 209 W Houghton Ave Michigan 48661-1219 44.27635208 -84.23751651
The Maple Grille LLC Hemlock 13105 Gratiot Rd Michigan 48626-8444 43.4157758 -84.1741049

8. Which breweries are dog-friendly in Michigan?

What if we wanted to go on a road trip and check out some breweries on the way, but we also wanted to bring our dog? That data is not currently in our brewery database, so we will need to look elsewhere to find the data. Luckily, we can use Kevin McKinney’s currated list of dog friendly Michigan breweries (2)! We’ll first need to scrape the website and grab the needed data using python’s beautifulsoup library. We’ll clean the data to remove any trailing spaces or unnecessary characters, then we’ll upload the data into a new table in our SQL database.

import requests
import bs4
import re

# Pull the raw html from the website
res = requests.get("https://michiganbreweryreview.com/michigan-dog-friendly-breweries/2018/8/2/the-ever-growing-list-of-k-9-friendly-breweries?format=amp")
soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(res.text,"lxml")

dog_brewery_list = []
cleaned_soup = []

#parse the html data looking for brewery names and the respective cities. Place the items into a cleaned_soup list
it = iter(soup.select('p')[1].contents)

for item in it:
    if item.text == "" or item.text == " " or item.text == ".":

#iterate through the clean_soup list and remove any unnecessary spaces, dashes, or parenthesis. Place the cleaned items into a dog_brewery_list
it = iter(cleaned_soup)  

for item in it:
    dog_brewery_list.append((item.text.strip(),re.sub("[\(\[].*?[\)\]]", "", next(it).text.split('- ',1)[-1].split('- ',1)[-1].strip().strip())))

#Create a dataframe from dog_brewery_list with columns: 'brewery_name' and 'city'. Send the dataframe to posgresql as a new table
dog_df = pd.DataFrame(dog_brewery_list,columns = ['brewery_name','city'])
dog_df.to_sql('dog_breweries',con=engine, if_exists='replace')

We now have two tables in our database. The two tables include:


column type description
brewery_id text unique brewery id
brewery_name text name of brewery
brewery_type text type of brewery (brewpub, micro, etc.)
address_1 text building address
address_2 text alternative address
address_3 text alternative address
city text city of brewery
state_province text state or province of brewery
postal_code text postal code of brewery
country text country of brewery
phone text phone number of brewery
website_url text website of brewery
longitude numeric longitude coordinates
latitude numeric latitude coordinates


column type description
brewery_name text name of brewery
city text city of brewery

We need to join our two tables together to determine which breweries are dog-friendly from our original breweries table. Before we conduct our join, we will clean the columns that we’ll join on to make sure we can find the proper match in both tables.


-- trim both city and name string sides of all spaces and replace any dashes or spaces with empty space on the breweries table
UPDATE breweries
SET name = rtrim (btrim (replace (replace (name, '-', ' '), '.', ''), ' '), '.'), city = btrim (city, ' ')

Running query in 'brewery_database'

8206 rows affected.


-- trim both city and name string sides of all spaces and replace any dashes or spaces with empty space on the dog_breweries table
UPDATE dog_breweries
SET brewery_name = rtrim (btrim (replace (replace (brewery_name, '-', ' '), '.', ''), ' '), '.'), city = btrim (city, ' ')

Running query in 'brewery_database'

136 rows affected.


-- Replace 'St.' with 'Saint' under the city column in the dog_breweries table
UPDATE dog_breweries
SET city = replace (city, 'St. Clair Shores', 'Saint Clair Shores')

Running query in 'brewery_database'

136 rows affected.

What we want to accomplish is an INNER JOIN between the two tables to only include breweries that both tables share. In doing so, we will only include breweries that are dog friendly while also now having access to their locations. Unfortunately, this is not as easy of a task as it seems. While the breweries table has unique id’s for each brewery, the dog_breweries does not. Because of this, we will need to match the tables based on their names. This may seem straight-forward but there’s a lot that can go wrong such as mispellings, mix-matched words, additional spaces, etc. Any of these would result in a failed match. Thankfully, we can use fuzzy string matching to help us combat this issue. We’ll look for words that are similar to one another instead of perfect matches. For extra accuracy, we’ll also only match breweries from both tables if both cities and the first word in the name also match.


-- First, select all breweries in Michigan that are not 'TBD'. 
-- Then, grab all breweries in michigan where the names are similar, the cities match, and the first word in each name matches
   (SELECT *
    FROM breweries
    WHERE breweries.state_province = 'Michigan'
    AND breweries.name <> 'TBD') AS mich_brew
JOIN dog_breweries ON SIMILARITY (mich_brew.name, dog_breweries.brewery_name) > 0.2
and mich_brew.city = dog_breweries.city
and UPPER(SUBSTRING(mich_brew.name, 1, POSITION(' ' IN mich_brew.name))) = 
    UPPER(SUBSTRING(dog_breweries.brewery_name, 1, POSITION(' ' IN dog_breweries.brewery_name)))
ORDER BY mich_brew.name

Running query in 'brewery_database'

98 rows affected.

index id name brewery_type address_1 address_2 address_3 city state_province postal_code country phone website_url longitude latitude index_1 brewery_name city_1
23 d5cb896d-3e99-4e19-9693-5e06ce987e53 127 Brewing micro 3090 Shirley Dr None None Jackson Michigan 49201-7010 United States 5172581346 None -84.43116792 42.28667212 0 127 Brewing Jackson
433 ce507918-f969-4d44-a218-daca121c4bd0 Ascension Brewing Company brewpub 42000 Grand River Ave None None Novi Michigan 48375-1831 United States 2483082093 <a href=http://www.ascension.beer>http://www.ascension.beer</a> -83.4609783 42.4783271 5 Ascension Brewing Co Novi
467 70fc7667-dda2-4cf0-ae7e-cbb43b5c43c4 Atwater Brewing Co regional 237 Joseph Campau St None None Detroit Michigan 48207-4107 United States 3138779205 <a href=http://www.atwaterbeer.com>http://www.atwaterbeer.com</a> -83.072904 42.4190883 6 Atwater Brewery Detroit
468 14693124-55bc-43e9-817e-b99a85f662ac Atwater Grand Rapids brewpub 201 Michigan St NW None None Grand Rapids Michigan 49503-2323 United States 6166493020 None -85.672454 42.970463 8 Atwater Brewery Grand Rapids
469 89d36a6d-1226-4c61-b4c6-22676a55a364 Atwater In the Park Biergarten and Tap House brewpub 1175 Lakepointe St None None Grosse Pointe Park Michigan 48230-1319 United States 3133445104 <a href=http://www.atwaterbeer.com>http://www.atwaterbeer.com</a> -82.9399103 42.3814617 7 Atwater in the Park Grosse Pointe Park
557 a79c77fa-dd4c-4e3f-bf34-c50ae8032f5c Baffin Brewing Co micro 25113 Jefferson Ave None None Saint Clair Shores Michigan 48081-2303 United States 5862187990 <a href=http://baffinbrewing.com>http://baffinbrewing.com</a> -82.888964 42.472227 9 Baffin Brewing Co Saint Clair Shores
638 545b51b8-caf4-4c63-aea4-48910ddef4c7 Barn Brewers brewpub 114 N Main St None None Lawton Michigan 49065-8634 United States 2692990482 <a href=http://www.barnbrewersbrewery.com>http://www.barnbrewersbrewery.com</a> -85.84966443 42.16834814 10 Barn Brewery Brewers Lawton
651 4fc60749-c0d0-4f94-ab92-e5bf566d455e Barrel and Beam micro 260 Northwoods RD None None Marquette Michigan 49855 United States 9062732559 <a href=http://www.barrelandbeam.com>http://www.barrelandbeam.com</a> -87.4722168 46.54578 11 Barrel + Beam Marquette
684 e9ce69e2-13cf-48bd-81e2-10235db692aa Batch Brewing Co brewpub 1400 Porter St None None Detroit Michigan 48216-1934 United States 3133388008 <a href=http://www.BatchBrewingCompany.com>http://www.BatchBrewingCompany.com</a> -83.088689 42.3184806 12 Batch Brewing Co Detroit
847 71ed116d-2a0c-405f-9595-66b00f37030d Biere De Mac Brew Works micro 14277 N Mackinaw Hwy None None Mackinaw City Michigan 49701-8622 United States 2314277007 <a href=http://www.bieredemac.com>http://www.bieredemac.com</a> None None 14 Biere De Mac Brew Works Mackinaw City
1050 7e39a579-8605-49a5-9988-a4d594650d1e Block Brewing Company brewpub 1140 S Michigan Ave None None Howell Michigan 48843-2669 United States None <a href=http://www.blockbrewingcompany.com>http://www.blockbrewingcompany.com</a> -83.931806 42.603858 15 Block Brewing Co Howell
1220 2de96915-c8c4-478d-ad67-0c8aa5828ab4 Brass Ring Brewery brewpub 2404 Eastern Ave SE None None Grand Rapids Michigan 49507-3632 United States 6164601587 <a href=http://www.brassringbrewing.com>http://www.brassringbrewing.com</a> -85.64741488 42.91987422 17 Brass Ring Brewing Grand Rapids
1293 783c1657-bb0f-4718-87eb-676a8094d167 Brewery Becker brewpub 500 W Main St None None Brighton Michigan 48116-1471 United States 8108440225 <a href=http://www.brauereibecker.us>http://www.brauereibecker.us</a> -83.785481 42.529522 18 Brewery Becker Brighton
1298 e0bf1313-ecf0-45c9-8b70-8ed121ec6a27 Brewery Faisan planning None None None Detroit Michigan 48207 United States 5867032030 <a href=http://www.breweryfaisan.com>http://www.breweryfaisan.com</a> None None 19 Brewery Faison Detroit
1299 189be7db-796b-40db-87bf-daac88a4fac7 Brewery Ferment micro 511 S Union St None None Traverse City Michigan 49684-3246 United States 2317358113 <a href=http://www.breweryferment.com>http://www.breweryferment.com</a> -85.62353552 44.75888715 20 Brewery Terra Firma Traverse City
1305 b6de3e97-fdec-4ac0-924d-5775fa7006bf Brewery Terra Firma micro 2959 Hartman Rd None None Traverse City Michigan 49685-8838 United States 2319291600 <a href=http://www.breweryterrafirma.com>http://www.breweryterrafirma.com</a> -85.63510581 44.71509875 20 Brewery Terra Firma Traverse City
1375 0b3fde08-24cd-4523-b824-cf558568a608 Brite Eyes Brewing Co brewpub 1156 S Burdick St None None Kalamazoo Michigan 49001-2741 United States 2692205001 None -85.582846 42.27977268 21 Brite Eye Brewing Co Kalamazoo
1738 b7f56781-add6-4bba-a3df-62a254f64971 Cheboygan Brewing Co micro 101 N Main St None None Cheboygan Michigan 49721-1637 United States 2312683277 <a href=http://www.cheboyganbrewing.com>http://www.cheboyganbrewing.com</a> -84.4743633 45.647403 23 Cheboygan Brewing Co Cheboygan
1791 6812d6f9-b113-48c1-902a-dd2b0f1e5874 City Built Brewing Company brewpub 820 Monroe Ave NW Ste 155 None None Grand Rapids Michigan 49503-1413 United States 6168055755 <a href=http://www.citybuiltbrewing.com>http://www.citybuiltbrewing.com</a> None None 24 City Built Brewing Co Grand Rapids
2129 70dbd577-56bb-4480-b51c-6f33123147d3 Dark Horse Brewing Co micro 511 S Kalamazoo Ave None None Marshall Michigan 49068-1718 United States 2697819940 <a href=http://www.darkhorsebrewery.com>http://www.darkhorsebrewery.com</a> -84.96397652 42.26638824 27 Dark Horse Brewing Co Marshall
2161 1d6ae265-d8dd-4a19-9524-801019b356c6 Dearborn Brewing micro 21930 Michigan Ave None None Dearborn Michigan 48124-2351 United States 3139144187 <a href=http://www.dearbornbrewing.com>http://www.dearbornbrewing.com</a> -83.2433835 42.30664415 28 Dearborn Brewing Co Dearborn
2263 fd4412ec-311a-4e87-8b55-10dca2b00b94 Dimes Brewhouse micro 145 N Bridge St None None Dimondale Michigan 48821-9201 United States 5173032067 <a href=http://www.dimesbrewhouse.com>http://www.dimesbrewhouse.com</a> -84.6483014 42.64660055 29 Dimes Brewhouse Dimondale
2344 51421b18-93e4-4d09-b694-388dcb5df2fe Downey Brewing Company micro 13121 Prospect St None None Dearborn Michigan 48126-3603 United States 3132888442 <a href=http://www.downeybrewingcompany.com>http://www.downeybrewingcompany.com</a> -83.17350725 42.31625295 31 Downey Brewing Co Dearborn
2465 497485a3-1317-450d-894b-0c079b1668b6 EB Coffee and Pub brewpub 8980 N Rodgers Ct SE None None Caledonia Michigan 49316-8051 United States 6168917700 <a href=http://www.ebcoffeepub.com>http://www.ebcoffeepub.com</a> -85.50839333 42.80145682 37 EB Coffee & Pub Caledonia
2438 1996e0fa-b821-4d44-a6ea-d5fda91c7d47 EagleMonk Pub and Brewery brewpub 4906 W Mount Hope Hwy None None Lansing Michigan 48917-9588 United States 5177087350 None -84.662048 42.712054 34 EagleMonk Pub & Brewery Lansing
2446 21a0d567-e70c-49fa-bb93-a073ed29e93b Earthen Ales micro 1371 Gray Dr Ste 200 None None Traverse City Michigan 49684-7805 United States 2312524270 <a href=http://www.earthenales.com>http://www.earthenales.com</a> -85.6454249 44.755294 35 Earthen Ales Traverse City
2459 9ef70c89-a7e9-4759-a71e-4adca64c543a Eastern Market Brewing Company micro 2515 Riopelle St None None Detroit Michigan 48207-4526 United States None <a href=http://www.easternmarket.beer>http://www.easternmarket.beer</a> -83.03876229 42.346625 36 Eastern Market Brewing Co Detroit
2522 33420b64-b564-4d19-b134-364a4721e50f Elk Street Brewery brewpub 3 S Elk St None None Sandusky Michigan 48471-1353 United States 8103008049 <a href=http://www.elkstreetbrewery.com>http://www.elkstreetbrewery.com</a> -82.82977088 43.42036406 38 Elk Street Brewery Sandusky
2591 b8b99a39-f008-4bde-9824-c5aaf4ba6b61 Eternity Brewing Co micro 4060 E Grand River Ave None None Howell Michigan 48843-8583 United States 5172954904 <a href=http://www.eternitybrewing.com>http://www.eternitybrewing.com</a> -83.9948055 42.63273017 40 Eternity Brewing Co Howell
2654 b2a43962-9a78-4e6d-882c-d3cb13129327 Farmington Brewing Company LLC micro 33336 Grand River Ave None None Farmington Michigan 48336-3124 United States 2489579543 <a href=http://fbcbrewing.com>http://fbcbrewing.com</a> -83.37603742 42.4649541 41 Farmington Brewing Co Farmington
2655 6cbd8d7c-b5af-4eda-802c-550643b62d42 Farmington Underground Canning and Kegging micro None None None Farmington Michigan 48336 United States None None None None 41 Farmington Brewing Co Farmington
2689 2a824990-9f77-4b8a-ae7b-76aba05c5504 Fenton Winery & Brewery brewpub 1370 N Long Lake Rd None None Fenton Michigan 48430-8867 United States 8103734194 <a href=http://www.fentonwinery.com>http://www.fentonwinery.com</a> -83.70470876 42.85155557 42 Fenton Winery & Brewery Fenton
3313 aca6e2d8-e3b8-4a29-b77b-f5d91b3179dc Greenbush Annex micro 5870 Sawyer Rd None None Sawyer Michigan 49125 United States None None -86.59404729 41.88540971 49 Greenbush Brewing Co Sawyer
3314 295e2956-574d-4cf1-a472-2df77d81bbc3 Greenbush Brewing Co micro 5885 Sawyer Rd None None Sawyer Michigan 49125-9380 United States 2694051076 <a href=http://greenbushbrewing.com>http://greenbushbrewing.com</a> -86.59431314 41.88557686 49 Greenbush Brewing Co Sawyer
3349 91361172-9875-4337-8a10-e12765e47071 Grizzly Peak Brewing Co brewpub 120 W Washington St Ste 1 None None Ann Arbor Michigan 48104-1356 United States 7347417325 <a href=http://www.grizzlypeak.net>http://www.grizzlypeak.net</a> None None 50 Grizzly Peak Brewing Co Ann Arbor
3371 c67959ff-a884-4d4a-be84-a194b410b969 Guardian Brewing Company planning None None None Saugatuck Michigan 49453 United States 8125213611 <a href=http://www.guardianbrewingco.com>http://www.guardianbrewingco.com</a> None None 51 Guardian Brewing Co Saugatuck
3636 bf32b0e2-4258-4f4a-9b72-744d0582034c HOMES Brewery brewpub 2321 Jackson Ave None None Ann Arbor Michigan 48103-3814 United States 7349546637 <a href=http://www.homesbrewery.com>http://www.homesbrewery.com</a> -83.77845211 42.28032635 55 HOMES Brewery Ann Arbor
3450 063bdb40-056e-489a-b952-0746b4b9e512 Harmony Brewing Co brewpub 1551 Lake Dr SE None None Grand Rapids Michigan 49506-2705 United States 6162330063 None -85.63066846 42.95501346 52 Harmony Brewing Co Grand Rapids
3451 a3bd0375-cc0f-48cf-82f9-48151f0c411b Harmony Brewing Company Harmony Hall brewpub 401 Stocking Ave NW None None Grand Rapids Michigan 49504-5501 United States None None -85.684118 42.970732 52 Harmony Brewing Co Grand Rapids
3471 3b737ad4-2770-48e6-8897-644fa1886e7a Haymarket Brewery and Taproom micro 9301 Red Arrow Hwy None None Bridgman Michigan 49106-9558 United States 3126380707 None -86.55947806 41.94715363 53 Haymarket Taproom Bridgman
3633 3bc09d93-e165-4c5a-81ee-9228b5e3d54d HomeGrown Brewing Company brewpub 28 N Washington St None None Oxford Michigan 48371-4665 United States 2488918290 <a href=http://www.homegrownbrewco.com>http://www.homegrownbrewco.com</a> -83.26650386 42.82656071 54 HomeGrown Brewing Co Oxford
3947 9c26b2c6-1017-4c43-876b-17f7a0d1afa5 Jamesport Brewing Co brewpub 410 S James St None None Ludington Michigan 49431-2159 United States 2318452522 <a href=http://www.jamesportbrewingcompany.com>http://www.jamesportbrewingcompany.com</a> -86.44787302 43.95168567 56 Jamesport Brewing Co Ludington
3950 f5951169-a180-4970-aa22-28c534adf3a5 Jamex Brewing Co micro 21721 Harper Ave None None Saint Clair Shores Michigan 48080-2213 United States 5869442030 <a href=http://www.jamexbrewing.com>http://www.jamexbrewing.com</a> -82.8986171 42.5171113 57 Jamex Brewing Co Saint Clair Shores
4174 8a240e31-0084-4199-9c3b-ae9b40785cfa Lake Ann Brewing Co micro 6535 First St None None Lake Ann Michigan 49650-9549 United States 2316402327 <a href=http://www.lakeannbrewing.com>http://www.lakeannbrewing.com</a> None None 59 Lake Ann Brewing Co Lake Ann
4295 e8496c18-2615-4e81-a29f-ea64ea88269c Les Cheneaux Distillers brewpub 172 S Meridian St None None Cedarville Michigan 49719 United States 9064841213 <a href=http://www.lescheneauxdistillers.com>http://www.lescheneauxdistillers.com</a> -84.36301089 45.99742724 60 Les Cheneaux Distillers Cedarville
4511 1d395c71-54a6-4af8-a0a3-21f5946f49ee Ludington Bay Brewing Co brewpub 515 S James St None None Ludington Michigan 49431-2325 United States 2312396690 <a href=http://ludingtonbaybrewing.com>http://ludingtonbaybrewing.com</a> -86.44763415 43.95070214 63 Ludington Bay Brewing Co Ludington
4765 b43a8593-0e7e-42dd-b3f1-0c1ec9da44bf Michigan Brewing Works brewpub 3435 Dietz Rd None None Williamston Michigan 48895-9506 United States 5176557777 None None None 65 Michigan Brew Works & Garlic Farm Williamston
4773 146870a5-aad1-4b3a-9b25-c4af2a711f1a Midland Brewing Co brewpub 5011 N Saginaw Road None None Midland Michigan 48642 United States 9892597210 <a href=http://www.midlandbrewing.com>http://www.midlandbrewing.com</a> -84.2910925 43.6408678 68 Midland Brewing Co Midland
4943 82718ba8-c506-467b-88e2-5f5b714a4999 Motor City Brewing Works brewpub 470 W Canfield St None None Detroit Michigan 48201-1220 United States 3138322700 <a href=http://www.motorcitybeer.com>http://www.motorcitybeer.com</a> -83.06603733 42.3518156 69 Motor City Brewing Works Detroit
4944 9a7bc77f-ac7d-4ed8-bb95-3f374523a01f Motor City Brewing Works Warehouse micro 441 W Canfield St None None Detroit Michigan 48201-1231 United States None None -83.06474893 42.35151997 69 Motor City Brewing Works Detroit
5145 2fe4a822-2435-4f5c-bebf-66a40909e8d4 North Center Brewing Co brewpub 410 N Center St None None Northville Michigan 48167-1224 United States 2484447967 <a href=http://www.northcenterbrewing.com>http://www.northcenterbrewing.com</a> -83.48311135 42.43412107 72 North Center Brewing Co Northville
5146 2983edd7-074e-4a0e-970f-6fc938c07e94 North Channel Brewing Co brewpub 86 Washington St None None Manistee Michigan 49660-1231 United States 2312991020 <a href=http://www.NorthChannelBrewing.com>http://www.NorthChannelBrewing.com</a> -86.32379888 44.24929388 73 North Channel Brewing Manistee
5162 8e765472-33c8-4e1d-8923-20973d75e6f4 North Pier Brewing micro 670 N Shore Dr None None Benton Harbor Michigan 49022-3646 United States 2697577163 <a href=http://www.northpierbrewing.com>http://www.northpierbrewing.com</a> -86.45499315 42.12454349 75 North Pier Brewing Co Benton Harbor
5176 e19854be-9a28-4587-b055-90e13fcbd7fb Northville Winery and Brewery micro 630 Old Baseline Rd None None Northville Michigan 48167 United States 2483206507 None None None 76 Northville Winery and Brewing Co Northville
5396 b778b875-6f29-41fc-94f9-23c09e872530 Ore Dock Brewing Co micro 114 W Spring St None None Marquette Michigan 49855-4608 United States 9068675309 <a href=http://www.oredockbrewingcompany.com>http://www.oredockbrewingcompany.com</a> -87.39388593 46.54189135 78 Ore Dock Brewing Co Marquette
5401 39db40da-0ee5-465d-9a9a-38f9eb51ba09 Original Gravity Brewing Co brewpub 440 County St None None Milan Michigan 48160-1504 United States 7344397490 <a href=http://www.ogbrewing.com>http://www.ogbrewing.com</a> -83.67523597 42.083974 79 Original Gravity Brewing Co Milan
5474 6ea02eb4-7386-46bf-ac13-fc452dabc976 Paddle Hard Brewing brewpub 227 E Michigan Ave None None Grayling Michigan 49738-1742 United States 9897456388 None -84.71675164 44.6600473 80 Paddle Hard Brewing Grayling
5473 4c9cdd7b-ea79-4d81-b629-fbfdf899dce6 Paddle Hard Brewing micro 118 Michigan Ave None None Grayling Michigan 49738-1741 United States 9897456388 <a href=http://paddlehardbrewing.com>http://paddlehardbrewing.com</a> -84.709584 44.66521 80 Paddle Hard Brewing Grayling
5590 067530c6-4848-4418-9a45-92dd720cc681 Petoskey Brewing micro 1844 M 119 Harbor-Petoskey Rd None None Petoskey Michigan 49770-9341 United States 2317532057 <a href=http://www.petoskeybrewing.com>http://www.petoskeybrewing.com</a> None None 81 Petoskey Brewing Co Petoskey
5613 88293b57-bdc4-4fb7-afb4-1de24a9e82e9 Pigeon Hill Brewery Production Facility planning None None None Muskegon Michigan 49440-1109 United States None None None None 82 Pigeon Hill Brewing Co Muskegon
5614 c7296318-3def-485e-9f58-b76d2db04b25 Pigeon Hill Brewing Co micro 500 W Western Ave Ste 100 None None Muskegon Michigan 49440-1000 United States 2313755184 <a href=http://www.pigeonhillbrew.com>http://www.pigeonhillbrew.com</a> None None 82 Pigeon Hill Brewing Co Muskegon
5884 305b584c-df57-4c6f-98d2-491736bbe7e9 Rare Bird Brewpub brewpub 229 Lake Ave None None Traverse City Michigan 49684-2532 United States 2319432053 <a href=http://rarebirdbrewpub.com>http://rarebirdbrewpub.com</a> -85.61932337 44.75978039 85 Rare Bird Brewpub Traverse City
5954 396f0a00-1910-4667-a65d-79ce19556af7 Redline Brewing Company micro 5470 Lapeer Rd None None Burton Michigan 48509-2235 United States 8102592009 <a href=http://redlinebrewingcompany.com>http://redlinebrewingcompany.com</a> -83.59795244 43.01100775 86 Redline Brewing Co Burton
6087 54dbff86-41fe-421c-937e-2903bac3c9f7 Rochester Mills Production Brewery micro 3275 Lapeer W Rd None None Auburn Hills Michigan 48326-1723 United States 2483773130 <a href=http://www.beercos.com>http://www.beercos.com</a> None None 88 Rochester Mills Production Brewery Auburn Hills
6161 bbc83a19-c5a5-44f1-bf6f-969f209cdfc0 Rolling Oak Brewing Co micro 509 Norway St None None Grayling Michigan 49738-1719 United States 9897456280 <a href=http://rollingoakbrewing.com>http://rollingoakbrewing.com</a> -84.716671 44.661765 89 Rolling Oak Brewing Co Grayling
6188 0654ac67-ff7f-4b63-a876-bbd24a31fb57 Round Barn Brewery & Public House micro 9151 First St None None Baroda Michigan 49101-8927 United States 2693267059 <a href=http://www.roundbarnbrewery.com>http://www.roundbarnbrewery.com</a> None None 90 Round Barn Winery, Distillery, Brewery Baroda
6187 eb65fa0c-3e45-41cb-bcc3-de1a1060b67e Round Barn Brewery / Round Barn Winery micro 10983 Hills Rd None None Baroda Michigan 49101-8742 United States 8007169463 <a href=http://www.roundbarnwinery.com>http://www.roundbarnwinery.com</a> -86.479395 41.950161 90 Round Barn Winery, Distillery, Brewery Baroda
6236 5bc03c91-fce7-4e14-9aeb-05303d7e6bbb Rustic Leaf Brewing Company micro 7200 Highland Rd None None Waterford Michigan 48327-1506 United States 2485999933 <a href=http://www.rusticleafbrewingcompany.com>http://www.rusticleafbrewingcompany.com</a> -83.4048664 42.659901 91 Rustic Leaf Brewing Co Waterford
6311 75b2ab04-6d86-4928-8953-d60c4b1c172e Sandhill Crane Vineyards micro 4724 Walz Rd None None Jackson Michigan 49201-9613 United States 5177640679 <a href=http://www.sandhillcranevineyards.com>http://www.sandhillcranevineyards.com</a> None None 94 Sandhill Crane Vineyards Jackson
6515 74f8802c-da96-40d7-8e37-3fd4dd2cb381 Silver Harbor Brewing Company brewpub 721 Pleasant St None None Saint Joseph Michigan 49085-1241 United States 2692817100 <a href=http://silverharborbrewing.com>http://silverharborbrewing.com</a> -86.48027459 42.10893033 99 Silver Harbor Brewing Co Saint Joseph
6621 3467fc4d-c507-46c1-a962-31d470bb204c Snowbelt Brewing Company brewpub 132 W Main St Unit 1 None None Gaylord Michigan 49735-2304 United States 9894487077 None None None 101 Snowbelt Brewing Co Gaylord
6748 e2876f5d-0f50-4cae-8d00-76b8edfe7ba0 St Ambrose Cellars micro 841 S Pioneer Rd None None Beulah Michigan 49617 United States 2313834262 <a href=http://www.stambrose-mead-wine.com>http://www.stambrose-mead-wine.com</a> None None 102 St Ambrose Cellars Beulah
6786 481a0ead-5e95-451e-a431-ba8972b7e5ea Starving Artist Brewing micro 634 S Stiles Rd None None Ludington Michigan 49431-9311 United States 2317941399 <a href=http://starvingartist.beer>http://starvingartist.beer</a> None None 103 Starving Artist Brewing Co Ludington
6874 906c9e56-8260-4ea5-ade4-4d73e3dd7246 Stormcloud Brewing Company brewpub 303 Main St None None Frankfort Michigan 49635-9047 United States 2316519080 <a href=http://www.stormcloudbrewing.com>http://www.stormcloudbrewing.com</a> -86.24100175 44.63290605 105 Stormcloud Brewing Co Frankfort
6874 906c9e56-8260-4ea5-ade4-4d73e3dd7246 Stormcloud Brewing Company brewpub 303 Main St None None Frankfort Michigan 49635-9047 United States 2316519080 <a href=http://www.stormcloudbrewing.com>http://www.stormcloudbrewing.com</a> -86.24100175 44.63290605 106 Stormcloud Brewery & Parkview Taproom Frankfort
6875 3ba0c759-64a6-4c73-8f41-d5d2317ce86d Stormcloud Brewing Company Production Facility micro 366 Parkview Ln None None Frankfort Michigan 49635 United States None None -86.2218117 44.6373933 106 Stormcloud Brewery & Parkview Taproom Frankfort
6875 3ba0c759-64a6-4c73-8f41-d5d2317ce86d Stormcloud Brewing Company Production Facility micro 366 Parkview Ln None None Frankfort Michigan 49635 United States None None -86.2218117 44.6373933 105 Stormcloud Brewing Co Frankfort
7046 3bc7477e-6b51-4ec4-9879-106902e23f21 Tecumseh Brewing Company brewpub 128 W Chicago Blvd None None Tecumseh Michigan 49286-1553 United States 5178151726 <a href=http://www.tecumsehbrewingco.com>http://www.tecumsehbrewingco.com</a> -83.946191 42.004052 107 Tecumseh Brewing Co Tecumseh
7067 00a78d20-3da2-4f63-9270-44b4722f4883 Tenacity Brewing micro 119 N Grand Traverse St None None Flint Michigan 48503-5620 United States 8103396676 <a href=http://www.tenacitybrewing.com>http://www.tenacitybrewing.com</a> -83.69663179 43.01522788 108 Tenacity Brewery Flint
7150 ad43dd25-02a6-4196-b268-afb686787e37 The Distant Whistle Brewhouse micro 118 S Main St None None Vicksburg Michigan 49097-1289 United States 2693707549 <a href=http://www.distantwhistle.com>http://www.distantwhistle.com</a> -85.53248776 42.11909502 110 The Distant Whistle Brewhouse Vicksburg
7161 2d83cc3f-3967-41ae-a3b9-7cd75c40edc3 The Filling Station Microbrewery micro 642 Railroad Pl None None Traverse City Michigan 49686-3633 United States 2319468168 <a href=http://www.thefillingstationmicrobrewery.com>http://www.thefillingstationmicrobrewery.com</a> -85.609476 44.7580963 111 The Filling Station Microbrewery Traverse City
7182 fedd7659-93ad-477b-b1fd-114ea7286a0b The Highway Brewing Co brewpub 209 W Houghton Ave None None West Branch Michigan 48661-1219 United States 9897090716 <a href=http://www.highwaybrewingco.com>http://www.highwaybrewingco.com</a> -84.23751651 44.27635208 112 The Highway Brewing Co West Branch
7199 81af98d0-0d70-4e84-8b4f-2804dd75e227 The Livery brewpub 190 5th St None None Benton Harbor Michigan 49022-3484 United States 2699258760 <a href=http://www.liverybrew.com>http://www.liverybrew.com</a> -86.45330019 42.11813538 113 The Livery Benton Harbor
7213 7550c372-1e49-49f5-b7d9-764e260fdba5 The Mitten Brewing Company Saugatuck brewpub 329 Water St None None Saugatuck Michigan 49453 United States 6166085612 None -86.20524129 42.65689129 115 The Mitten Brewing Co Saugatuck
7294 33253e4f-6acd-4cf7-8ed6-2fbabee79b2b Third Nature Brewing Co planning None None None Rockford Michigan 49341 United States None None None None 117 Third Nature Brewing Co Rockford
7373 37cde8b1-1aaf-4181-aee9-e6481769d59c Tilted Axis Brewing Company brewpub 303 W Nepessing St None None Lapeer Michigan 48446-2105 United States 8109694477 <a href=http://www.tiltedaxis.beer>http://www.tiltedaxis.beer</a> -83.31247549 43.05377576 121 Tilted Axis Brewing Co Lapeer
7438 8e300f8a-fce3-446f-bbb4-aac35ff1a08e Townies Brewery brewpub 2350 W Liberty Rd None None Ann Arbor Michigan 48103 United States None None -83.7891745 42.2730356 122 Townies Brewery Ann Arbor
7453 9a256c21-3a8b-480b-9cb5-fc52084fedca Traffic Jam and Snug brewpub 4268 2nd Ave None None Detroit Michigan 48201-1706 United States 3138319470 <a href=http://www.trafficjamdetroit.com>http://www.trafficjamdetroit.com</a> -83.086546 42.384371 123 Traffic Jam & Snug Detroit
7456 4ed098f5-5ff6-40b9-b238-538961222e90 Trail Point Brewing Co micro 6035 Lake Michigan Dr None None Allendale Michigan 49401-9101 United States 6168952739 <a href=http://www.trailpointbrewing.com>http://www.trailpointbrewing.com</a> -85.93541536 42.97207782 124 Trail Point Brewing Co Allendale
7458 c9f36d18-efb4-419c-8acf-b4598bbf2326 Transient Artisan Ales micro 4229 Lake St None None Bridgman Michigan 49106-9109 United States None None -86.55570937 41.94299804 125 Transient Artisan Ales Bridgman
7473 100fc1b1-c30f-4aeb-80bd-ab2914e7483a Tri City Brewing Co micro 4170 Shrestha Dr None None Bay City Michigan 48706-2184 United States 9896861340 <a href=http://www.tricitybrewing.com>http://www.tricitybrewing.com</a> None None 126 Tri City Brewing Co Bay City
7657 fe976b5b-744d-4ba8-b9b8-af2c2e249b8b Upper Hand Brewery micro 3525 Airport Rd None None Escanaba Michigan 49829-1096 United States 2693822338 <a href=http://www.upperhandbrewery.com>http://www.upperhandbrewery.com</a> -87.097528 45.7164279 128 Upper Hand Brewery Escanaba
7683 eae54355-ebca-400e-a9d9-7ce4ce866341 Urbanrest Brewing Company micro 2615 Wolcott St None None Ferndale Michigan 48220-1422 United States None <a href=http://www.urbanrest.com>http://www.urbanrest.com</a> -83.1274188 42.4679929 130 Urbanrest Brewing Co Ferndale
7810 86ac6974-4c49-4e84-8d51-47f97fda5ac4 WAR WATER BREWERY brewpub 201 N Riverside Ave Ste C1-11 None None Saint Clair Michigan 48079-5498 United States 8102893921 <a href=http://www.warwaterbrewery.com>http://www.warwaterbrewery.com</a> None None 131 War Water Brewery/Distillery Saint Clair
7835 309cfb01-0cde-4775-91c6-95e492b5eb4b Watermark Brewing Company micro 5781 Saint Joseph Ave None None Stevensville Michigan 49127-1238 United States 2692810872 <a href=http://www.watermarkbrewing.com>http://www.watermarkbrewing.com</a> -86.51963025 42.01286668 132 Watermark Brewing Co Stevensville
7841 8e46e558-55b6-4c93-bf99-2ba3f2ba2a59 Waypost Brewing Co planning None None None Fennville Michigan 49408 United States 6169162362 <a href=http://waypostbeer.com>http://waypostbeer.com</a> None None 133 Waypost Brewing Co Fennville
8015 fd24f694-6436-458c-a0d5-d35ab5ff4497 Witch's Hat Brewing micro 601 S Lafayette St None None South Lyon Michigan 48178-1453 United States 2484862595 <a href=http://www.witchshatbrewing.com>http://www.witchshatbrewing.com</a> -83.65099308 42.45542522 134 Witch's Hat Brewing Co South Lyon
8027 932f3a05-590e-49dc-bba5-0c6c7c174125 Wolverine State Brewing Co brewpub 2019 W Stadium Blvd # 103 None None Ann Arbor Michigan 48103-4557 United States 7343692990 <a href=http://www.wolverinebeer.com>http://www.wolverinebeer.com</a> -83.7745473 42.2694316 135 Wolverine State Brewing Ann Arbor

Nice! We found 98 matches between the two tables! With a smaller data set such as this, we could alternatively download the dataset into excel and manually check for matching breweries as well.

Now that we have a dataset of dog-friendly breweries, let’s create a data viz! We’ll first upload the data into a new SQL table, then we’ll connect the data to Tableau and build our data viz.


CREATE TABLE dog_brewery_join AS
SELECT id, name, brewery_type, address_1, mich_brew.city, state_province, postal_code, country, phone, longitude, latitude
   FROM breweries
   WHERE breweries.state_province = 'Michigan'
   AND breweries.name <> 'TBD'
  )AS mich_brew
JOIN dog_breweries ON SIMILARITY (mich_brew.name, dog_breweries.brewery_name) > 0.2
and mich_brew.city = dog_breweries.city
and UPPER(SUBSTRING(mich_brew.name, 1, POSITION(' ' IN mich_brew.name))) = 
    UPPER(SUBSTRING(dog_breweries.brewery_name, 1, POSITION(' ' IN dog_breweries.brewery_name)))
ORDER BY mich_brew.name

Running query in 'brewery_database'

98 rows affected.

Tableau Dashboard Link: https://public.tableau.com/views/DogFriendlyMichiganBreweries/Dog-FriendlyBreweriesinMichigan?:language=en-US&:display_count=n&:origin=viz_share_link


  1. Bajaj, T. (2023, February 13). Program for distance between two points on earth. GeeksforGeeks. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/program-distance-two-points-earth/

  2. McKinney, K. (2022, July). Dog Friendly Breweries. Review Before Your Next Brew. https://michiganbreweryreview.com/michigan-dog-friendly-breweries/2018/8/2/the-ever-growing-list-of-k-9-friendly-breweries?format=amp

  3. Chris Mears. Openbrewerydb. (2023). GitHub repository. https://github.com/openbrewerydb/openbrewerydb